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Pig in a cage looking out with sad expression next to the question Who is Dawn Lafreeda?

Dawn Lafreeda: Oppose Denny’s animal cruelty

Dawn Lafreeda is the CEO of Den-Tex Central, Inc., which operates over 70 Denny’s restaurants. She is also one of the largest franchise owners and a member of the Denny’s Franchise Association Board and the Denny’s Corporate Social Responsibility Committee.

Dawn Lafreeda refuses to publicly address the extreme animal abuse authorized by Denny’s: the confinement of pregnant pigs in cages so small they can’t turn around.

Her rise to success as Denny’s franchisee and her commitment to female empowerment are showcased in a new documentary called “Show Her The Money,” which focuses on the inequalities women face in the financial world.

She fails to mention the animal cruelty scandal involving Denny’s, the restaurant chain where she makes money.

Thousands of pregnant mother pigs languish in small cages for Denny’s.

Why won’t Lafreeda speak up to end this cruelty?

She can influence Denny’s to oppose this animal abuse. Instead, she ignores the issue.

Take action

Let Dawn Lafreeda know that animal cruelty is unacceptable.
Ask her to take a stand against it.

Pig in a cage biting the bar

How many more pigs need to suffer before Denny’s decides to do the right thing? Dawn Lafreeda should use her influence to ask Denny’s to ban cages for pregnant pigs.

Dane Charbeneau
Campaigns Manager
Animal Equality


Kelli Valade

Kelli Valade

Chief Executive Officer of Denny’s
Kevin Coveney

Kevin Coveney

Board member of the Denny’s Franchise Association and Chair of its Supply Chain Oversight Committee
Carl Ferland

Carl Ferland

Board member of the Denny’s Franchise Association and Denny’s Ambassador

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