Working with corporations to improve the lives of farmed animals.
Our focus
Corporations, large and small, have the power to improve the lives of millions of farmed animals with just one policy reform.
Animal Equality’s corporate outreach department encourages businesses to implement meaningful animal protections that will significantly reduce the suffering of animals by ending some of the cruelest standard practices on factory farms and at slaughterhouses.

Banning crates
for mother pigs
The United States confines 6 million mother pigs annually to individual 7-foot by 2-foot metal cages during their pregnancies. These “gestation crates” are so small that the animals cannot turn around, lay comfortably, or exhibit natural behaviors for most of their lives. Many resort to biting the metal bars of the crates and banging their heads against them due to the immense stress.
Pigs are gentle and social creatures. More intelligent than dogs and some primates, a baby pig can recognize its name by two weeks of age.
Mother pigs are known to sing to their piglets while nursing. When kept in groups, pigs prefer to sleep nose to nose. They feel pain and experience fear. These facts underscore the importance of campaigning for companies to phase out cruel crates for mother pigs.
cages for hens
Hens raised for eggs are among the most abused animals on the planet. All around the world, hens face intense confinement. Most often, they are kept in cages and denied the ability to live a natural life, often unable to even spread their wings.
Hens who live in caged systems face a variety of problems, including osteoporosis and other bone problems, discomfort and lack of exercise, and strong physical and psychological stress. For this reason, Animal Equality has focused on working with companies to implement reforms that reduce animal suffering.

Improving the lives
of chickens
Chickens are sociable creatures who like to forage, be with their companions, bathe in the sand, and bask in the sun. Yet, more chickens are raised and suffer for meat than any other land animal.
Chickens used for meat are crammed into huge sheds and bred to be ready for slaughter so quickly that their legs frequently cannot support the weight of their bodies. Their lives are cut short due to debilitating diseases, infections, and injuries.
Animal Equality works with global companies to implement policies that improve the lives of these sensitive animals.
What can I do to help?
Be part of our action team, taking on the world’s biggest companies and demanding change. Take small, easy, daily online actions that make a big difference for millions of animals. Use emails, calls, and social media to stand up for animals without leaving your chair.