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Mother cow and baby

Fall 2024

Nine months,
approximately 11.6 million animals. 

This is your impact so far… 

Love Veg, Animal Equality’s plant‑based program 

Choosing plant-based meals is the best way to end animal suffering. Visit Love Veg for recipes, nutrition tips, and easy ways to make plant-based eating fun.

In Mexico, you launched a campaign to celebrate September. You shared three original recipe books featuring traditional Mexican dishes and offered two plant-based workshops for university-level Dietetics students. Meanwhile, you inspired over 3,500 students in Pune City, India, through plant-based school programs. 

In our Love Veg recipe book, you will find the recipe to prepare Mexican dishes like this chile en nogada.

Ending Factory Farming

Factory farming cages hens, mutilates piglets, and separates calves from mothers. These animals endure painful deaths in slaughterhouses. Together, we will end it.

You’ve made significant progress toward stronger animal protection laws. In July, you helped Colima, Mexico, pass a bill promoted by Animal Equality, making it the second Mexican state to protect farmed animals. This will benefit nearly 9 million animals. Animal Protectors also displayed a 10-meter banner on historic monuments, demanding the inclusion of animals in the Mexican Constitution.

Displaying a 10-meter banner on historic monuments in Mexico, demanding the inclusion of animals in the Mexican Constitution.

You are also protecting fish in Mexico. You’ve launched a new campaign and created a report alongside academic researchers. While fish are usually measured by the ton, you revealed that over 477 million individual fish are killed annually in Mexico. 

You are holding animal abusers accountable. In 2018, Animal Equality–along with TV’s Jordi Évole–documented cruelty at a pig farm in Spain. Afterward, you helped file charges. Though the farm owners were acquitted, we successfully appealed the decision, and a new trial will be held soon.

In Italy, Matteo Cupi–Animal Equality’s VP for Europe–spoke at the Milan Palace of Justice. Here, he shared his experience investigating factory farms. You also gained permission from the UK’s High Court to challenge the approval of the first on-land salmon mega-farm. This farm would confine one million fish annually.

From left to right: Aquaculture expert Mark Borthwick; Edie Bowles from Advocates for Animals; and Abigail Penny, Animal Equality Executive Director in the UK, at the High Court.

In the U.K., you were part of the release of two investigations. One uncovered dead fish being removed from a salmon farm just before a Scottish Parliament visit, which fueled the campaign to halt industry expansion. Another investigation exposed abuse at a Red Tractor-certified pig farm supplying Tesco supermarket. 

You also launched an investigation from India, revealing illegal slaughter practices in the dairy industry and encouraging a shift toward plant-based alternatives.

In Germany, the Animal Welfare Act is being revised for the first time in 10 years. Advocates protested for stronger farmed animal protections, and we submitted two statements to the Government. These statements urged for bans on live exports, mutilations, and horse slaughter.

Calling for stronger protections for farmed animals in the revised Animal Welfare Act in Germany.

Ending Cages for Hens and Pigs

Farmers confine millions of mother pigs and hens in tiny cages where they can’t move freely. Despite bans in some states and countries, many animals still suffer this cruelty.

You continue to campaign against cages in Aldi’s U.S. supply chain. This includes protests in Chicago and the Bronx, New York City, and Aldi’s hometown of Berlin, Germany. With videos, flyers, and even a life-size cage, advocates like you showed how pregnant pigs are confined throughout their pregnancies. In addition, you keep pushing Denny’s to end the cruel confinement of mother pigs through full-page ads in local U.S. newspapers and digital platforms.

Animal advocates protest outside an Aldi store in Chicago, IL, with a life-size crate for pregnant pigs.

In Mexico, you are freeing hens from cages. Palladium Hotels has updated its commitment to eliminate cages for hens in Mexico and Latin America–and to report on its progress. Meanwhile, you’ve convinced 40 companies in India to transition to cage-free eggs, with some already 70% compliant.


Horses are often seen as companions, similar to dogs or cats. But thousands of U.S. horses are transported to Canada and Mexico for slaughter.

You continue fighting against the export of horses for slaughter through the SAFE Act. Thousands of activists like you have contacted legislators, urging them to support the bill.






Animal Equality’s work has been highlighted by the following news organizations:

Logo Vox
Logo BBC
Logo The Independent
Logo La Stampa
Logo The Guardian
Logo La Repubblica
Logo Huffington Post
Logo Milenio
Logo Aristegui Noticias
Logo The Times
Logo The Times of India
Logo El Diario


baby chicken
Credit: Shutterstock

Your support drives change—from fighting for stronger laws to exposing abuse and inspiring compassionate choices. Together, we’re transforming the future for animals.

I love this group (Animal Equality)! They advocate for animals in a positive, factual, well-researched and educated way. Their work is so valuable to helping animals. I am so thankful to know about them. Please donate what you can.

Animal Equality’s supporter