What is the SAFE Act?

The SAFE Act promises to end the slaughter of U.S. horses, but it must first make it into the Senate Farm Bill and pass. Organizations like Animal Equality and the ASPCA are urging legislators to include this Bill, which would protect over 20,000 American horses from export and slaughter.
What exactly does the SAFE Act for equines mean?
The Save America’s Forgotten Equines Act (SAFE Act) would federally ban horse slaughter in the U.S., as well as the export of American horses abroad for slaughter.
“Horse slaughter is a cruel and inhumane practice that must finally be put to an end. That is why I am joining my colleagues in introducing this bill that will permanently end the practice of slaughtering horses in the United States and will stop the shipment of thousands of American horses to slaughter across our borders”. —Senator Corey Booker
Ready to take action for horses?
Contact your representatives and demand that they support the SAFE Act to ban horse slaughter once and for all:
Is horse meat legal?
The slaughter of horses in the U.S. occurred as recently as 2007. The practice has since dissolved when Congress took away funding from USDA inspectors to oversee horse slaughterhouses. Only USDA-approved meat can be sold to the public—meaning selling horse meat is effectively illegal.
The U.S. shifted focus to transporting horses outside its borders. Every year, over 20,000 horses are sent to Mexico and Canada. Old, injured racehorses and former companions are sold at auction, then transported hundreds of miles in overcrowded trucks. They suffer injuries, weight loss, fatigue, dehydration, and shipping fever—a respiratory disease associated with long-distance transport.
Animal Equality’s undercover investigation found U.S. horses awaiting slaughter in Zacatecas, Mexico. Here, horses were found with yellow USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) stickers. Their origin was confirmed by a veterinarian.
Animal Equality has also investigated the slaughter of American horses in Mexico. These animals were often killed while conscious.
Horse meat is exported to countries where it is still legal, such as Canada, Brazil, China, Italy, France and Russia.
Did the SAFE Act for horses pass?
The SAFE Act was introduced in 2023 by U.S. Senators Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). The Bill has not yet passed the House and the Senate–the two chambers that make up Congress. It must pass through both chambers before becoming law.
Organizations like Animal Equality and the ASPCA are encouraging legislators to include the SAFE Act in the upcoming Farm Bill.
What is the Farm Bill?
The Farm Bill is a piece of legislation revised by Congress every five years. It gives Congress the opportunity to improve the food system and protect animals.
The House and the Senate have the opportunity to present their versions of the Farm Bill before it is voted on. In the House, Agriculture Committee Chair GT Thompson introduced a version that could put animals and humans at risk.
What does the Farm Bill do?
The Farm Bill is renewed every five years and addresses U.S. agricultural and nutritional programs. It can ensure a proper food supply, fair prices, and natural resource preservation. It can also protect or harm farmed animals, such as cows, pigs and chickens.

The House version of the Farm Bill has already been outlined. It includes dangerous language that puts the lives of millions of animals at risk.
However, there is still time to include language protecting animals in the Senate version of the Farm Bill. Many Senators have already shown support of the SAFE Act and its inclusion in the Senate Farm Bill, but senators in states like New York, Kentucky, Georgia, Minnesota, Vermont, Mississippi, and Alabama have not.
When will the 2023 farm bill be voted on?
Last November, Congress extended the current Farm Bill until September 2024. It must be voted on by the end of this extension or it will move to next year. Horses need action now!
[T]he U.S. is sending horses outside of our borders so that their killing is out of sight of the majority of Americans that oppose the slaughter of horses for human consumption. Our citizens agree this suffering is wrong; now it’s time for the US Government to ban it once and for all. —Sharon Núñez, Animal Equality President & Co-founder.
How you can support the SAFE Act for horses
To support the SAFE Act, contact your representative and let them know that it’s time to end the slaughter of horses.
If you are in New York, Kentucky, Georgia, Minnesota, New Mexino, Mississippi or Alabama, your support is more urgent than ever!
Similar to horses, farmed animals like cows, chickens and pigs are intelligent and feeling beings. They also deserve protection from cruelty. The best way to end their suffering is to choose plant-based alternatives to meat, dairy and eggs.
Get started with your free cookbook from Love Veg and discover how delicious compassion can be!

Considered companions by many, horses are sensitive and intelligent animals who deserve protection.
Protect these beautiful animals by choosing plant‑based foods.