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Celebrating World Day For Farmed Animals

World Day for Farmed Animals, celebrated on October 2nd, is dedicated to commemorate the 65 billion land animals raised for food who suffer and die every year.
September 30, 2013 Updated: February 29, 2024

Animal Equality is proud to support Farmed Animal Rights Movement  (FARM) initiative to celebrate World Day for Farmed Animals.Animal Advocates worldwide will support this important day giving their voice to recall the suffering of the billions of animals raised and killed for food every year, WDFA takes place on 2nd of October  to honor the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, an outspoken advocate of non-violence towards animals. As he said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated.”Each yearapproximately 65 billion animals are killed to produce meat, eggs, and dairy. More animals are killed for food than for all other reasons combined. Most of these animals are raised on factory farms, where they are confined, mutilated, and raised to grow so large, so quickly, that many of them literally suffer to death. Even animals raised on small family farms endure many of these abuses, and all animals raised for food face a gruesome slaughter. Animal Equality’s groundbreaking undercover investigations have uncovered several times the plight of farmed animals, learn more at www.animalequality.net/investigations

Most people believe that animals should not be harmed unnecessarily, but the consumption of animal products forces animals into a life of misery and an untimely death. By choosing a compassionate plant-based diet and not taking part in their suffering, we can prevent thousands of animals from being harmed and killed on our behalf. Each of us can make influencing decisions, that can literally save lives. Learn more at www.bit.ly/changeinyourhandsAnimal Equality’s supporters will join this event hosting free vegan food giveaways and screenings during the month of October.  More updates soon! Be the voice of farmed animals! Join now the WFDA, animals will thank you!


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