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Animal Equality team having fun

The Animal Equality Team

Animal Equality's biggest strength is its international team. A group of passionate and dedicated people working in eight countries to change the world for animals.

“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”

From animal welfare doctors and veterinarians, journalists with many years of experience working with some of the most important media outlets around the world, to experts in business, education, operations and negotiation… This team alongside thousands of volunteers have come together because like you, we believe in a world where all animals are respected and protected. Together we have already achieved so much for animals. From banning the importation of foie gras in India, convincing over sixty companies worldwide to comply with meaningful animal welfare policies, to educating millions of people on the importance of veg eating. And there is still so much more we will achieve. As we continue to grow our focus and determination remains as strong as ever. Animals don’t deserve less.