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Aldi Supports Cruelty WEEK OF ACTION (Oct 21-27)

Demand that Aldi ban cages for animals in the US

Aldi, an international grocery chain, allows some of the cruelest factory farming practices in its U.S. supply chain, including the use of cages. Meanwhile, in its home country of Germany, Aldi upholds higher animal welfare standards and has banned battery cages for hens and gestation crates for pregnant pigs.

By using cages in the U.S., Aldi falls behind competitors like Kroger, Albertsons, and Costco, and contradicts its own animal welfare principles. Pigs and hens shouldn’t spend their lives suffering in cages for Aldi U.S.

Join animal advocates this week during an Aldi Week of Action and take the following simple actions below that can add up and make a huge difference for animals! Let’s keep the pressure on Aldi and spread awareness about this campaign!


Please comment on at least three posts on Aldi’s social media accounts exposing their lack of animal welfare standards in the US. 






**Bonus: Download and attach a photo to add along with your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn comments.

Use one of these sample comments as inspiration for writing your own original comment. Using a repeated comment could be flagged and may lead to suspension on some social platforms.

Comment on three Aldi influencer posts to make viewers aware of the campaign! A lot of Aldi fans follow these accounts so commenting here is a great way to spread awareness about Aldi’s low animal welfare standards. 

Grocery Addict

The Grocery Lady

The Amazing Aldi

Use one of these sample comments as inspiration for writing an original comment. Please be polite in your communications.

**Want to do more? Reply back to CBS News X post about Aldi


Call Aldi’s customer service line during business hours (8:30am – 4:30pm CT) and let them know you don’t agree with Aldi US’s double standards for animal welfare. 

Number: 630-879-8100, press 6 > press 1 > press 1 > press 4

**add +1 at the beginning of the number if calling from outside the US.

Sample message: Hi, I’d like to know why Aldi hasn’t come out with an official policy banning the use of cages for pregnant pigs and for hens. Other grocery chains are taking steps to ban cages and Aldi has done it in other countries, but why not in the US? This type of extreme confinement for animals is appalling and I can’t shop at Aldi until something is done to end this. Can you make sure my message is passed along to Aldi’s leadership?

Send a LinkedIn message to Jason Hart, Aldi’s CEO, or comment on one of his posts asking him to ban the use of cages for pigs and hens in the company’s supply chain. 

Send a LinkedIn message to Atty McGrath, Aldi’s President, or comment on one of her posts asking her why Aldi isn’t making animal welfare a priority. Don’t have LinkedIn? Send her an email at [email protected].


Thanks for taking action! Find tomorrow’s and following actions here on this page. You can also stay up to date on this campaign and others by becoming an Animal Protector! One you sign up, you’ll be sent easy online actions like the one above that can make a significant impact on animals.