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24,000 Animals Killed In France Due To Avian Flu Outbreak

The meat industry does not provide individualized veterinary care for these animals. It is cheaper to kill them all. Factory farming hides their practices from consumers, such as the elimination of all male chicks in the egg industry or the miserable life 20 billion chickens are forced to live annually worldwide.
December 29, 2015 Updated: July 29, 2022
Bird,Chicken,Beak,Whiskers,Feather,Fowl,farmed animal

France is on high alert. An outbreak from the frightening avian flu strain H5N1 is present in the heart of foie gras production. The amount of infected animals is relatively small, for now. On December 7, the French Agriculture Minister announced six new cases. Two days after announcing four more cases. The most affected ones are the animals. Even though just a few of them have been classified as infected, the French authorities have already killed more than 24,000 birds. The goal of livestock production is not to make the world a better place, its only concern is profits. There is no hesitation when deciding to cruelly kill 24,000 innocent animals. Of the 24,000 animals roughly eliminated, it is estimated that only 3% could potentially be infected, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Of course, the meat industry does not provide individualized veterinary care for these animals. It is cheaper to kill them all. Factory farming hides their practices from consumers, such as the elimination of all male chicks in the egg industry or the miserable life 20 billion chickens are forced to live annually worldwide. Eight countries have already closed their borders to French products from birds. The fear of a global avian flu outbreak is increasing. Although only a few infected animals have been found, the situation is already causing panic at an international level. Imagine the destructive potential of these viruses; viruses served on a tray by the cruel industry who force animals to live in severely inhumane conditions. Millions of people around the world want all the undesirable consequences of factory farming to stop. Another diet is possible, and more and more people are adopting it for their health, for the planet, and for solidarity with animals that are turned into mere products. You can find great info and recipes at LoveVeg.com. It has never been a better time than now to make the change!

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