The bipartisan bill, called the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, makes for the first time intentional acts of cruelty to animals federal crimes that carrying penalties of up to seven years in prison.
Today, Michigan became the first Midwestern state to pass legislation banning the production and sale of eggs from hens confined in cages with Governor Gretchen Whitmer's signature on the new bill.
The new ruling removes maximum line speeds, making it more likely that pigs could suffer prolonged and painful deaths in slaughterhouses. Take action to help pigs!
Millions of chickens raised for meat die each year before even reaching the slaughterhouse. Discover what the meat industry is hiding and how you can take action.
In the breakthrough documentary The Game Changers, elite Special Forces trainer and The Ultimate Fighter winner James Wilks travels the world on a quest for the truth about meat, protein, and strength to change the way people eat and live.
Advocates from Animal Equality recently traveled to New York for Advertising Week to call on McDonald’s to ban the worst abuses to chickens in its supply chain.