BREAKING: The SAFE Act to protect horses in the U.S. was re-introduced in Congress. Support the bill.
cow and baby

2023 in focus: Animal Equality’s top 10 moments for animals

From the United States to India, Animal Protectors have been waging a battle against animal cruelty, making 2023 a historic year for the movement. Discover the top ten moments for animals in 2023.

From demonstrations at iconic landmarks to investigations inside the most secretive and abusive places, 2023 marked pivotal moments for animals trapped on factory farms. 

Animal Equality’s supporters fueled our mission to protect cows, pigs, chickens, and other farmed animals through courtroom victories, global campaigns, and breaking investigations. Together, we are changing the world for animals! 

Here are our top 10 moments fighting for animals in 2023: 

1. Battling for accountability from America’s Diner

Following Denny’s failed commitment to ending extreme confinement for mother pigs in its supply chain, Animal Equality launched a nationwide campaign against the restaurant chain. The failed commitment caused outrage, with around a dozen protests in major cities, a billboard in Times Square, and 53,000+ messages sent by consumers. The only “response” consumers received was a middle finger given by the son of Denny’s executive during a recent protest in Kansas City.

A digital billboard featuring a pig peering through the bars of a crate. The text reads, "Denny's animal abuse is bad for business."

Animal Equality took our campaign to Spartanburg, South Carolina, to deliver over 53,000 messages from concerned citizens directly to Denny’s HQ. The company’s representatives continued to dismiss the concerns, refusing to accept the messages and calling the police. 

A local FOX News channel covered the action, reaching thousands with our demands for accountability:

2. Justice upheld in the U.S. Supreme Court

In May, the US Supreme Court backed California’s Proposition 12 after the meat industry attempted to overturn the law. Often referred to as America’s strongest animal protection law, Prop. 12 ensures hens, pigs, and calves have enough space to turn around and extend their limbs. Along with other animal protection groups, Animal Equality was instrumental in passing Prop. 12 and defending it from legal challenges by the meat industry. 

3. Partnering with celebrities to expose cruelty

Animal Equality in the U.S. partnered with actress and advocate Richa Moorjani to release an investigation into the global dairy industry. The footage was captured on dairy farms across India, with Moorjani narrating the findings. After viewing the footage, animal advocates were inspired to replace milk products with dairy-free alternatives, joining the global plant-based movement.

4. Calling out ALDI’s double standards for animals

Animal Equality launched a global campaign against ALDI, a budget grocery store chain that boasts about its high animal welfare standards in Germany. While ALDI in Germany no longer confines mother pigs to small, metal cages for most of their lives, ALDI in the U.S. still allows this practice in its supply chain. Advocates in Germany called attention to the chain’s double standard with a protest in Berlin, where three gestation crates were displayed in front of the iconic Brandenburg Gate. 

5. Changing the Mexican Constitution to protect animals

Due to a partnership between Animal Equality and Federal Deputy Fausto Gallardo García, Mexico’s Congress approved an initiative to amend Article 73 of the Federal Constitution. The proposal passed with an absolute majority of 482 votes. This amendment would allow Congress to create Mexico’s first nationwide animal protection law if passed by the Senate. 

6. Protecting ducks and geese in the UK and beyond

In the heart of Westminster, UK, passionate animal defenders rallied against importing foie gras. Deemed as one of the cruelest foods, it is produced by force-feeding ducks and geese until their livers become diseased. Members of Parliament (MPs) took up the cause, with Giles Watling leading the charge in a passionate address to Parliament. Despite overwhelming public support for a ban, his speech drew attention to the government’s inaction. The event was covered by top media outlets worldwide, including a front-page spread in The Times

Foie Gras Signatures UK

Later, Animal Equality launched a global campaign opposing foie gras by releasing never-before-seen images from foie gras farms.

7. Fighting against the most dangerous laws

Animal Equality in Brazil continued the fight against the EU-Mercosur Agreement, one of the most dangerous treaties in recent history. The EU-Mercosur Agreement would allow the European Union to cut costs by importing animal products from Brazilian producers. Many of these Brazilian producers fail to meet European animal welfare standards. 

Animal Equality in Brazil took action by meeting with Members of the European Parliament to discuss how this treaty could impact both animals and the climate. Animal Equality’s Executive Director in Brazil even led a panel discussion about these consequences at a public hearing in São Paulo.

8. Two-part investigation exposes Spanish meat industry

Animal Equality released a two-part investigation into the Spanish pig meat industry. The footage exposed extreme confinement for pregnant and mother pigs, rotting carcasses in farrowing crates where piglets nurse, and the mutilation of piglets without anesthesia. Animal Equality used this footage to fuel its campaign against cages in the European Union, a cruel practice that the European Commission has promised to end.  

9. European Union addresses cruelty to chickens

After filing a lawsuit against European countries for their cruel breeding of fast-growing chickens, Animal Equality joined a historic discussion at the EU Commission in Brussels. The European Parliament’s Commission of Petitions left Animal Equality’s petition open, acknowledging that fast-growing chicken breeding could violate European law. 

The Commission vowed to take a closer look at the practice and determine its next steps. This decision could positively impact billions of lives across Europe, and it is a clear sign that the European Government is willing to protect animals.

10. Salmon farm investigation featured on BBC

Animal Equality’s exposé of the Scottish fishing industry, featured on BBC’s Countryfile, highlighted soaring pre-slaughter mortality rates on salmon farms. Thousands of viewers joined the conversation by expressing their outrage on social media, with experts and scientists weighing in. 

Scottish Fishing Industry

Animal Equality in the UK is taking a proactive stance by calling on the Scottish Government to intervene. We are urging the Government to halt the expansion of the fish farming industry by refusing to approve new facilities in Scotland. This is critical, as the industry is due to double over the next decade.

Begin 2024 with compassion

Animal Equality’s international work was made possible by supporters and advocates like you. Animals need your help to keep this momentum going. 

By supporting Animal Equality today, you could launch corporate campaigns, fight legal battles for animals, and sustain investigations that shed light on factory farming cruelty. 

You could even support the growing plant-based movement, helping animal defenders replace meat, dairy, and eggs with delicious, wholesome, plant proteins. 

If you haven’t joined the Love Veg movement, the New Year is the perfect time to get started. Rediscover your love for food, all while supporting a compassionate future for pigs, chickens, and cows. 

Chicken outdoors


Chickens are emotionally complex animals capable of empathy and forming special bonds with fellow animals.

Protect these sensitive and social animals by choosing plant‑based alternatives.
