![Plant,Natural foods,Grass,Bird,farmed animal,Local food,Agriculture](https://animalequality.org/app/uploads/2020/10/header-yumble-chicken-blog.jpg)
![Mass production,farmed animal,Engineering,Natural foods,Herd,Sheep](https://animalequality.org/app/uploads/2020/10/featured-image-chickens-yumble.jpg)
TAKE ACTION: Urge Meal Kit Company to Improve Lives of Chickens
Chickens raised for meat live in misery. They’re typically forced to exist in crowded, dim sheds with floor covering that’s soaked in putrid ammonia. But their living area isn’t the only thing harming these naturally sensitive and curious animals. In order to make more of a profit, chickens are also often genetically selected to grow abnormally large and fast, which causes them to suffer from painful leg deformities. Many become unable to stand or walk, and will die in agony.
THE BETTER CHICKEN COMMITMENT: Animal Equality and other animal protection groups are urging companies to adopt The Better Chicken Commitment— a set of standards that will eliminate some of the cruelest farming practices, including the use of ultra-fast growing breeds.
Over 200 companies have already committed to making changes for chickens in their supply chains, but others are refusing. In fact, we’ve created our own Meal Kit Cruelty Awards and nominated popular meal kit brands Yumble, Gobble, and The Home Chef as the cruelest meal kit companies out there.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Companies tend to listen to customer demands, and that’s where you come in! Let Yumble know that consumers want to see changes. Head to the company’s most recent Facebook post and leave a polite comment to let them know you wish they would improve their policies for chickens. Feel free to write your own, (be sure to include “https://animalequality.org/action/meal-kit-cruelty-awards”) or use our example below:
As an animal lover, I am upset to hear that Yumble does not value animal welfare in their business. Anyone who respects animals should go with a meal kit company that has publicly committed to meaningful animal welfare policies. https://animalequality.org/action/meal-kit-cruelty-awards
SMALL ACTIONS MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE: Every comment Yumble gets is one step closer to improving the lives of thousands of birds suffering on factory farms! While the best way to help animals is simply by leaving them off your plate, every time a brand commits to making meaningful changes—like adopting The Better Chicken Commitment—its a major step in the right direction.