THEY NEED YOU! Change the future for millions of animals. ACT NOW.
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Take Action for Animals

Email Executives
Carl Ferland: Oppose Denny’s animal cruelty
Who is Dave Kahre?
Email Executives
Dave Kahre: Oppose Denny’s animal cruelty
Pig in a cage with a message asking Aldi to ban cages.
Email Executives
Pigs and hens are suffering in cages for Aldi
Who is Kevin Coveney?
Email Executives
Kevin Coveney: Oppose Denny’s animal cruelty
Pig inside a gestation crate looking at the camera
Sign the Petition
Demand the end of factory farming
Sign the Petition
Protect American horses from being killed for their meat
Food,Cuisine,Seafood,Fish,Dish,Fin,Ray-finned fish
Sign the Petition
Tell Congress that fish deserve protection!
Ecoregion,Land lot,Landscape,Tree,Plain,Plant,Grassland
Sign the Petition
Working to end animal sacrifice at the Gadhimai Festival
Bird,Beak,Branch,Twig,Feather,Close-up,Bird of prey
Sign the Petition
Ban the cruelty of foie gras for ducks and geese in the United States