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Dave Kahre: Oppose Denny’s animal cruelty

Pig in a cage looking out with sad expression next to the question Who is Dave Kahre?

Dave Kahre can help end extreme cruelty

Dave Kahre is a Denny’s franchisee and the CEO of Pride Restaurants, LLC, which operates several Denny’s restaurants throughout Illinois and Indiana. Kahre is also a member of the Denny’s Franchise Association’s Supply Chain Oversight Committee (SCOC).

A 2016 Food Logistics article states that franchisees sign a purchasing agreement designating the SCOC as their purchasing agent, agreeing to abide by and fulfill the purchase commitments made by the SCOC on the franchisees’ behalf. This means that Dave Kahre significantly influences the products in nearly all Denny’s restaurants.

Currently, the diner chain purchases pig products from farms that keep pregnant mother pigs in cages so small they can’t turn around. Due to Denny’s refusal to address this extreme cruelty, Animal Equality has launched a nationwide campaign to expose this abuse.

Until Kahre and the rest of the SCOC address this animal cruelty scandal, they are doing an extreme disservice to Denny’s customers, franchisees, and, most of all, to the animals who are living in misery. 

Keep taking action for mother pigs

Let Dave Kahre know that animal cruelty is unacceptable.

Pig in a cage biting the bar

As a member of the Supply Chain Oversight Committee, Mr. Kahre can help thousands of mother pigs confined to tiny metal cages for Denny’s. Over 60 major companies are eliminating them. It’s time to speak up, Mr. Kahre.

Dane Charbeneau
Animal Equality’s Campaigns Manager

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