BREAKING: The SAFE Act to protect horses in the U.S. was re-introduced in Congress. Support the bill.

Inspiring Action 2020 Impact Report

Letter From the President

This past year was an incredibly tough year for so many. Though it did not go as we all had expected, I am thrilled to share that despite the many challenges, Animal Equality impacted more animals than we have in any other year in our history.

As you will see below, we impacted an estimated 360,000,000 animals. That’s 360 million individuals whose lives we saved or spared from suffering.

While I will never meet these animals, this progress inspires me to continue to fight for their brothers and sisters trapped and enduring extreme cruelty on factory farms and slaughterhouses.

Your support makes this work possible, and I hope you feel incredibly proud of all that you have accomplished for animals.

As we flip our calendar to the new year, the hard work of building on our past successes continues. I have never been more sure that together we will one day achieve a world where all animals are respected and protected.

In gratitude,

Sharon Núñez
President, Animal Equality

2020 Impact By the Numbers

7 Million
Animals Spared with Investigations
303+ Million
Animals Impacted by Corporate Work
25 Million
Animals Spared With In-Ovo Sexing Technology
Investigations Released
Corporate Policy Commitments
Animals Impacted Through Legal Initiatives

Exposing Cruelty Through Investigations

Animal Equality released 13 investigations, exposing cruelty to animals used for meat in wet markets, during transport, and on factory farms worldwide.

international reach

Our investigations in the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Germany, India, China, and Vietnam exposed the tortures inflicted on chickens and hens, pigs, cows, cats, dogs, sheep, buffalo, and other animals raised and killed for food.

Wet Markets

At the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak, we launched a global campaign and petition calling for the immediate closure of cruel and dangerous wet markets. The petition to the United Nations has already received nearly 600,000 signatures.

Dog & Cat Meat Trade

We launched an international campaign calling for the ban of the dog and cat trade and released an investigative exposé on the ongoing illegal trade of dog and cat meat and fur in China.

Environmental Impact

Our documentary, Enemy of the Planet, uncovered the environmental impact of raising pigs for food in Jalisco, Mexico. The footage was captured using drones over two industrial pig farms that house more than 89,000 pigs.

Corporate Progress

Animal Equality convinced 40 companies worldwide to adopt animal protection policies that will reduce the suffering of more than 300 million hens and chickens used for eggs and meat each year.

Legal Advocacy

Animal Equality engaged in proactive legal initiatives, ensuring animals receive the legal protections they deserve.

Raising Awareness

Our outreach team employed creative and innovative ways to encourage people all around the world to leave animals off their plate and replace it with delicious plant-based foods.

266+ Million