Inspiring Global Action 2018 Impact Report
Dear Supporters,
As we look forward to the year ahead and all that we strive to accomplish, I want to reflect on the past year’s successes–a historic year for animals that you helped make happen. Thanks to your support of our mission and tireless work on behalf of farmed animals, we are creating a world where all animals are respected and protected, and millions are spared from suffering. This outcome is only possible because of your support. As you read through our Inspiring Global Action 2018 Impact Report, please keep in mind that you make our work possible.
On behalf of everyone at Animal Equality, thank you for standing up to cruelty and being a hero for farm animals.
For the animals,

Mission: An international organization working with society, governments, and companies to end cruelty to farmed animals.
Vision: A world in which all animals are respected and protected.

Exposing Cruelty Through Investigations

We released 21 investigations in Italy, the U.K., Spain, Mexico, and Germany.

We exposed the tortures inflicted on chickens, hens, pigs, cows, ducks, geese, lambs, fish and other marine life, rabbits, and turkeys raised and killed for food.

Two pig farm workers were convicted of animal cruelty after our investigation revealed repeated violent abuse on a farm owned by one of the U.K.’s biggest pig producers, Elsham Linc.

We conducted the first ever investigation into a U.K. organic dairy farm, which resulted in the farm’s suspension from the RSPCA Assured food label.

We partnered with the Animal Welfare Foundation to release horrifying footage of lambs in transport throughout eastern Europe, which caused police to intervene and resulted in a fine to the transportation company for €20,000 (about $23,000).

Our series of Red Tractor-certified farm investigations sparked national discussion in the U.K. about the effectiveness of the certification and resulted in more unannounced inspections of farms.

We collaborated with TG2, one of the largest media outlets in Italy, on an exposé of an egg factory that supplies the mass egg producer, Parmovo.

Animal Equality has really stepped up to the plate to bring a marriage of technology and activism to the animal protection movement.
Rachel Atcheson
Animal Equality Supporter

Corporate Progress

We campaigned in a coalition to encourage McDonald’s to publicly adopt more meaningful standards that would reduce the horrific suffering of the millions of chickens in its meat supply chain. We’ve participated in implementing numerous impactful actions, including a giant video billboard in New York City’s famed Times Square, a petition drop at McDonald’s Chicago headquarters, bus bench ads placed outside McDonald’s locations throughout Chicago, and a New York City protest with actor and animal activist Edie Falco. These actions have cumulatively earned millions of media impressions, further educating the public about the way chickens are raised for McDonald’s menu items.
We conducted campaigns about the cruelty involved in keeping hens used for eggs in cages, focusing on companies such as the largest retailer in Brazil, Grupo Pão de Açúcar; a discount retailer in Spain, DIA; and a popular cookie company in Mexico, Mac’Ma. Our international volunteer network, Animal Protectors, grew to over 50,000 people strong.
International Commitments
We won 60 policies banning the cages that cruelly confine hens used for eggs in Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Spain, and India, improving the lives of nearly 12 million birds every year. The commitments include Starbucks in Spain, Carrefour in Brazil (as well as across Europe), Ferraro in Italy and Mexico, as well as Le Pain Quotidien in Brazil and Mexico.

Legal Advocacy

We played a critical role in passing Prop 12 in California, known as the Prevention of Cruelty to Farm Animals Act, one of the strongest farmed animal welfare measures in history. Prop 12 will establish minimum space requirements for California calves used in the veal industry, mother pigs, and hens farmed for eggs. The measure will also ensure that food items sold in California are compliant with these modest standards. Furthermore, this historic measure will guarantee hens the ability to engage in natural behaviors that are prevented by cage confinement, including spreading their wings, moving around throughout the barns, perching, and dust bathing.
We assisted with the legislative defeat of the King Amendment, which threatened to prohibit states from passing new, and negate existing, animal protection laws.

With 130 other organizations, we joined the European campaign End The Cage Age, a European Citizens’ Initiative aiming to end the use of cages in farming.

We collected more than 130,000 signatures on our Slaughterhouse Petition, which aims to reduce the cruelty inflicted on 600 million animals in Italy.

We delivered more than 100,000 signatures on our foie gras petition to the Prime Minister at Number 10 Downing St., the headquarters of the government of the United Kingdom.

Raising Awareness

More than 200 supporters helped us celebrate our year’s accomplishments at our Inspiring Global Action Gala.
We interviewed Kate Mara and Moby for our magazine Their Voice. Kate Mara’s interview was syndicated by media, including Plant Based News, Veg News, and Live Kindly.
Animal Equality staff and volunteers presented our groundbreaking and award-winning virtual reality series, iAnimal, at 323 outreach events worldwide, with a total of 50,712 views.
We attended some of the United States’ largest events, including SXSW, EA Global, Reducetarian Summit, Texas Veggie Fair, and Veganmania.
We conducted two iAnimal Outreach Tours at universities in the Midwest and in California, reaching 3,738 students.

Love Veg
We grew our Love Veg program to be six countries strong, launching in Mexico, Spain, and India, and continuing our work in the US, the U.K., and Germany.
Our Love Veg Newsletter subscriber count has grown to 433,100 individuals.

We can’t do this alone. Join us!
Donate to a charity you can trust. You helped Animal Equality make last year a historic year for the animals. You can help build on that progress, making 2019 the year we save more animals than ever. Thank you!
Animal Equality has a GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency.

Looking Forward in 2019
You are the heart and soul of our organization. We could not do any of the amazing work we do without your continued support. Together, let’s make 2019 even better!
In 2019, we plan to save and protect more animals than ever before, and we will work together to grow Animal Equality, reaching new heights worldwide!