Demand the ban of horse slaughter
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Animal Equality is an international organization working with society, governments, and companies to end cruelty to farmed animals.

As an animal protection organization, we are guided by compassion, determination, and effectiveness.
We are committed to saving as many animals as possible and to reducing the enormous suffering animals endure on factory farms.

Our teams in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, and India consist of highly qualified professionals with years of experience in undercover investigations, campaigns, legal advocacy, and large-scale education programs.

Start your plant‑based journey now!
Are you considering reducing the amount of meat in your diet or replacing dairy products with plant-based alternatives?
Whether it is to eat healthier or reduce the suffering of animals in factory farms, thousands of people like you start their plant-based journeys each day. Animal Equality’s Love Veg project meets you where you’re at and helps you succeed step-by-step. Each time you replace animal products with healthier, cruelty-free, delicious ones, it is a success to celebrate.
By joining us for free, you get a starter guide, a weekly plan, insider tips, shopping guides, and simple, delicious recipes. You will also discover new plant-based products to fall in love with, hear motivating stories about the animals you are helping, and read testimonies by other people who have transformed their lives for the better.
Our work
Animal Equality combines four strategies in its campaigns to help animals.
We go undercover to document and expose the cruel treatment of animals in factory farms and slaughterhouses. To this day, we have inspected over 800 factory farms and slaughterhouses in 13 countries.
We raise awareness and inform millions of people who watch our videos so they can see for themselves what the meat, egg, dairy, and fishing industries do to animals. We campaign to convince companies to update their policies that affect animals and our team of attorneys advocate for increased protections and animal rights.

When you witness the horror that really happens behind closed doors and slaughterhouses to farm animals all over the world, it’s impossible not to be affected by it and to realize that we have to do something drastic to stop it.
Joaquin Phoenix
Activist and actor

Nothing prepares you for looking into the eyes of a mother pig whose life is to be impregnated and left in a cage until she’s slaughtered. I can’t imagine how awful it must be to be literally trapped and crushing your own babies and not be able to do anything about it.
Rooney Mara
Activist and actor
From the Colosseum to a soccer stadium: February’s fight for animals
A “bloodied” soccer ball and an urgent message on the Colosseum put animal cruelty in the spotlight this February. Here’s how global advocates turned up the heat on industries and governments failing animals.
Investigation: Pigs bound, bagged, illegally slaughtered
Pigs tied in bags scream as they’re hauled onto rickshaws. Others are stabbed during illegal slaughter.
Investigation: Pigs eaten alive on farms supplying major brands
Pigs chewing on each other’s wounds. Carcasses left to rot in crowded pens. This is the reality inside two Spanish pig farms supplying supermarket meat.
What is the SAFE Act?
The SAFE Act could ban horse slaughter in the U.S., along with the export of American horses for slaughter. What are the next steps?
2024 in photos: 10 moments that shaped history for animals
In 2024, Animal Equality exposed cruelty, changed laws, and challenged industries across eight countries.
Innocence exploited: trained sheep lure lambs to slaughter
A guide sheep walks the killing floor, lambs following close. With each step she takes, factory farming turns trust into its sharpest tool…