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U.S. Animal Protection Laws At Stake

August 31, 2018 Updated: July 14, 2022
Head,Grey,Domestic pig,Snout,farmed animal

Now more than ever we need your help to stop the disastrous King Amendment, once and for all. Fortunately, Rep. Steve King’s damaging measure (H.R. 4879) stripping states of their ability to pass anti-cruelty laws did not make the Senate’s version of the 2018 Farm Bill. However, King was able to get his extremely harmful language into the House version, with discussion of the final Farm Bill starting in just a matter of days. The addition of the King Amendment to the 2018 Farm Bill would be the single greatest threat to animals in the U.S..Officially known as the Protect Interstate Commerce Act, King’s proposal would negate statewide bans on cruel products such as horse meat in Illinois, dog meat in Georgia, and foie gras in California, and force states to sell dangerous and cruelly-produced products. Moreover, the proposed language is so overly broad that it could wipe out important advancements in food safety and protections for the environment, consumers, and workers’ rights. On September 5th, the House-Senate conference committee will begin crafting the final version of the 2018 Farm Bill. We need your help to ensure that the King Amendment will not be included.CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATOR TODAY! Using the sample text below, please politely personalize this message to send to your legislator: “Dear Legislator,As your constituent, I respectfully ask that you oppose including Rep. Steve King’s Protect Interstate Commerce Act (HR 4879) language to the final Farm Bill. King’s proposal presents a major threat to people and animals nationwide and if included could negate publicly-voted animal protection laws, forcing states to sell dangerous and cruelly-produced products. Moreover, the proposed language is so overly broad that it could wipe out important advancements in food safety and protections for the environment, consumers, and workers’ rights. Please do everything in your power to ensure the final Farm Bill does not contain Rep. King’s dangerous attack on animals and people. Thank you for your time.Sincerely,” FIND YOUR LEGISLATORWe have been working so hard to stop Rep. Steve King and save State-voted laws protecting animals – with your help we will ultimately succeed.Please use your voice and passion to tell your federal legislators that the King Amendment does not speak for you and ask them to oppose this and any similar language from appearing in the final Farm Bill.Thank you for standing up for farmed animals. 

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