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Meat Substitutes More Widespread In Germany

Meat companies have released to market a range of alternatives for German consumers that love their meat. These substitutes have the potential to facilitate a profound change in consumption habits.
October 21, 2015 Updated: June 30, 2022

Aware of the change in consumers’ habits and attitudes, German meat companies have decided to get innovative. It is now becoming the norm; more and more people are replacing meat in their meals. “We are the first and the last generation to eat meat every day,” said one of these companies. The director of one of the largest German meat companies classified sausages as the “tobacco of the future.” In an interview, he announced that he wanted 30% of the profits from his business to come from the meat substitute products by the year 2019. The German meat industry has called him a “’traitor” for it. Although, because there is such a huge amount of consumers that are starting to say “no” to meat, it is very likely that they will end up joining him. The future of meat does not look very promising. Meat substitutes have been in the German and European market for some time now, but this new generation of delicious alternatives is for everyone, meat-lovers included. Companies know that the reduction of meat consumption and vegetarianism are increasing rapidly, largely due to people being more aware of their health, the environment, and animal welfare. Studies show that the market trends are growing, and they do it at the expense of meat. The forecasts for 2020 speak of a significant growth of these healthy alternatives; the same forecasts predict a decrease in meat. We are entering a new era as consumers; we are becoming more responsible when it comes to the choices we make about the environment, our health, and even the welfare of animals. We dislike the suffering that eating animals entails, not to mention the many antibiotics that come with it.

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