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First Criminal Conviction Against Cruel Bullfighting Event

Luis H. threw a stone at an activist who was protesting together with other animal advocates against the barbaric celebration of the Toro de la Vega.
December 11, 2015 Updated: August 26, 2022

Last Monday in Valladolid, Spain, a judge of the criminal court number 3, imposed the first conviction related with the bullfighting event in Tordesillas. The man convicted is 33-year-old Luis H., who brutally attacked an animal rights protester by throwing a stone at his head. The man was sentenced to six months with a fine of 3.25 US dollars per day. In addition, the conviction involves a vicarious liability: for every two days not paid, the convict would have to respond with a day of prison or community service. The judge also condemns him to pay compensation of $867 to the aggrieved animal defender. The events occurred on September 17, 2013, when the convicted person threw a stone at an activist who was protesting together with other animal advocates against the barbaric celebration of the Toro de la Vega. The victim had to receive hospital care and required stitches in his head. David Rocamora, lawyer of the victim, and member of the animal rights legal action organization, Acción Legal Animalista, positively valued the sentence by saying “the brutality of the Toro de la Vega is not only directed toward the animal, yet to people as well”. The ruling “shows how some respond to the courage and freedom of expression of animal rights – with stone throwing,” he added. Rocamora, moreover, made known the fact that the socialist mayor of the town of Tordesillas carelessly released the bull against the defenders of the animal. Rocamora puts us on notice that such behavior could constitute a criminal offense. Regarding this year’s festival, the mayor of Tordesillas said the releasing of the bull, Rompesuelas, while animal advocates were still there was done according to the rules. He also took advantage of the fact that the Civil Guard had given him permission to release him, even though he was putting the lives of activists at risk.


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