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Animal Equality Introduces Animal Protection Legislation in São Paulo 

On June 27th, Animal Equality Brazil held a public hearing at the São Paulo State Assembly to discuss four pieces of legislation that would protect farmed animals, including a bill to stop the export of live animals.
July 12, 2023 Updated: December 27, 2023
Animal Equality Brazil held a public hearing at the São Paulo State Assembly Animal Equality Brazil held a public hearing at the São Paulo State Assembly

Animal Equality, with State Deputy Carlos Giannazi, recently organized a public hearing at the State of São Paulo’s Legislative Assembly to discuss four crucial animal protection bills. The proposed legislation aims to end some of the cruelest practices endured by farmed animals.

Animal Equality Brazil held a public hearing at the São Paulo State Assembly

If these bills are passed, they would have the following impacts:

  • Live animal export from São Paulo by ship would be stopped.
  • Male baby cows in the state of São Paulo, who are often killed because they cannot produce milk for the dairy industry, would be protected.
  • Male chicks in São Paulo, who are subjected to cruel and inhumane practices such as shredding, suffocation, drowning, crushing, or burning because they cannot produce eggs, would be protected.
  • Companies would be required to accurately label foods made with animal products so that consumers are informed about the cruel practices involved in their production.

This legislation could significantly change the tide for Brazilian animals who suffer during transport and in the dairy and egg industries. While Animal Equality supports all of the crucial, proposed bills, the organization is focusing its efforts on ending the live transport of animals:

Animal protection organizations, like Animal Equality, have extensively documented and denounced various animal welfare issues associated with [live transport]. We’ve found the long journeys sometimes last several weeks. [The animals suffer from] a lack of adequate veterinary care, insufficient or inadequate feeding and hydration, extreme confinement, and harsh environmental conditions such as high temperatures, poor ventilation, and accumulation of waste inside the ships, which were not designed for this purpose.

Carla Lettieri, Executive Director of Animal Equality (Brazil)
Carla Lettieri, Executive Director of Animal Equality (Brazil)

The Risks of Transportation for Animals at Sea

During the public hearing, George Sturaro, Investigations Manager for Mercy For Animals (MFA), shared alarming information about the risks associated with transporting animals by ship. According to Sturaro, ships carrying animals are twice as likely to sink as other vessels, leading to the deaths of all the animals on board. In fact, there have been several high-profile incidents in recent years, such as the sinking of Queen Hind in Romania in 2019, which resulted in the deaths of over 14,000 sheep.

Sea transportation forces animals to endure harsh and prolonged conditions that are detrimental to their physical and mental well-being. During these journeys, animals are often crammed into overcrowded vessels without proper ventilation, making it difficult for them to breathe. The lack of space also means that animals are forced to stand in their own excrement for days or even weeks.

The constant swaying of the vessel can further exacerbate the animals’ discomfort, causing many to become seasick and unable to eat or drink. This can lead to dehydration, malnutrition, and even death. Without proper veterinary care, sick animals cannot receive the medical attention they need, and many perish before they even reach their destination.

Another significant danger of sea transportation is the lack of time limits for journeys. Animals can be stuck onboard for weeks or even months, with no access to fresh air, clean water, or food. If there is a change of plans or a refusal to anchor in the destination country, the animals can be trapped on board indefinitely.

In addition to these risks, the animals are often loaded onto trucks that do not comply with EU legislation upon arrival at the destination port. This means they continue to suffer on land, further adding to their misery and stress.

Empowering Individuals to Create Positive Change

While changing laws is an essential piece of the puzzle, changing our own habits is the most powerful thing we can do for animals. Millions of people around the world are choosing cruelty-free alternatives to meat, dairy, and eggs to protect animals from certain cruelty. These plant-based proteins are delicious, diverse, and packed with nutrients.

Rescued hen held by Animal Equality volunteer


With rich emotional lives and unbreakable family bonds, farmed animals deserve to be protected.

You can build a kinder world by replacing animal food products with plant‑based ones.

By signing the End Factory Farming Petition today, you can make a difference in the lives of animals. Your actions can help create a more humane and sustainable future for all animals, as every voice counts towards advocating for animal protection laws around the world. With your support, we can work together toward a world where animals are treated with compassion and respect. Take action now to help end the cruel practices of factory farming.

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