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Bird,Comb,Chicken,Beak,Rooster,farmed animal,Fowl

Massachusetts Residents:
Take Action for Hens!


On December 22, 2021, the Governor of Massachusetts signed S.2603, “An Act further regulating hen welfare and establishing uniform cage-free standards.” With the passage of this legislation, as of January 1, 2022, all eggs produced and sold in Massachusetts must come from hens who were raised without cages and who received certain environmental enrichments essential to their well-being, such as nest boxes, perches, and dust-bathing and scratching areas.

By speaking up, Massachusetts advocates have improved the lives of approximately 7-8 million hens per year. Thank you to everyone who took action in support of this campaign!

Sarah Hanneken
“Hens in the egg industry suffer some of the worst welfare conditions of all terrestrial farmed animals. This legislation was the critical next step in reducing their suffering.”

Sarah Hanneken
Legal Advocacy Counsel, Animal Equality