BREAKING: The SAFE Act to protect horses in the U.S. was re-introduced in Congress. Support the bill.
Hen inside a cage at a Brazilian Egg Farm

Hawaii Residents: Take Action!
Help Hens in Your State

The Hawaii state legislature is currently considering legislation to improve the lives of hens in the egg industry. HB 1293 would implement critical minimum standards for housing these sensitive, emotionally complex animals. Specifically, the bill would prohibit the extreme overcrowding that is currently common in the egg industry and would also outlaw the use of cruel cages. This legislation would also ensure that eggs sold in Hawaii come from operations that meet these modest standards, no matter where they are produced.

Help end the unnecessary and cruel confinement of hens by contacting your elected officials via the form below!

(This is a NEW action form as of 2/13/23. If you live in Hawaii, your voice is needed even if you have previously taken action on this bill!)


Despite anti-cruelty laws, a hen raised for her eggs in Hawaii can be legally confined for her entire life in a crowded barren cage. To confine a dog or cat this way would be animal abuse, yet hens are exempt from these basic legal protections. That is why we need legislation like HB 1293 to make this cruel confinement of hens illegal in Hawaii once and for all.

Sarah Hanneken
Legal Advocacy Counsel, Animal Equality