Designate Animal Equality as a beneficiary of your retirement assets
You can help build a future free from animal abuse by designating Animal Equality as a beneficiary of your retirement assets.
A person with a pension or retirement plan can designate whomever they would like to receive the plan’s funds. Your beneficiaries can be your relatives, but they can also be legal persons such as non-profit organizations like Animal Equality.
Photo: Shutterstock.com

Designating Animal Equality as the beneficiary of your pension or retirement plan will free your gift from federal income and estate taxes that would otherwise be absorbed in a gift to individuals so that 100% of your donation will go to the organization. Despite animal abuse being a major global issue, resources dedicated to combatting it are sparse. But you can change that.
By supporting Animal Equality, an international leader in the animal protection movement, your donations will go towards our effective public education campaigns and animal cruelty investigations.
Photo: Fabiano’s_Photo / Shutterstock.com
How can I set Animal Equality as a beneficiary of my retirement assets?
It’s simple to designate Animal Equality as a beneficiary of your retirement assets. All you need to do is request and complete a new beneficiary designation form from your plan administrator. You can designate one or more charitable interests as a beneficiary to receive all or a portion of your retirement plan assets under the conditions you specify.