BREAKING: The SAFE Act to protect horses in the U.S. was re-introduced in Congress. Support the bill.
Seafood,Koi,Cuisine,Recipe,Dish,Fish,Fish products
Water,Liquid,Azure,Fin,Fish,Atlantic bluefin tuna
Our Work to Help Fish
August 16, 2021

Fish have no legal protections regarding how they’re treated or slaughtered. They're forced to endure unimaginable anxiety and pain in the fishing industry. It’s time for that to change.

Animal product,Textile,Sleeve,Cuisine,Ingredient,Dish,Meat
Mammal,Snout,Domestic pig,farmed animal
Court Rejects USDA’s Attempt to Derail Lawsuit Challenging Weakened Pig Slaughter Rules
June 28, 2021

A federal district court judge has ruled that our lawsuit challenging the USDA's dangerous decision to reduce federal oversight and allow for faster slaughter line speeds at pig slaughterhouses can move forward.

Product,Gold,Circle,Landmark,Office equipment,Pattern,Metal
How to Donate Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrency
June 18, 2021

Animal Equality collaborates with lawmakers, corporations, and consumers to protect animals in farms, slaughterhouses, and live animal markets. Donors are essential to the organization's work.

Mammal,Line,farmed animal,Snout,Domestic pig,Metal
Mesh,Snout,Metal,Cage,Domestic pig,farmed animal,Animal shelter
WATCH: “Motherhood,” A Glimpse Into the Lives of Mother Pigs in the Meat Industry
May 21, 2021

"Motherhood" is a new documentary created by Dutch filmmaker Eline Helena Schellekens that gives an up-close and personal view of how nine million pigs experience motherhood in Europe, which is not unlike what female pigs are forced to endure on US industrial farms.

Plant,Food,Natural foods,Ingredient,Local food,Produce,Soil
Research in Mexico Made Possible by Tiny Beam Fund
May 18, 2021

Animal Equality’s life-changing work for farmed animals would not be possible without our generous donors and partners. Your support allows us to fund our investigations, legal actions, and corporate outreach programs and increases our impact by expanding the reach and awareness of our global public campaigns.

Smile,Earrings,Makeover,Long hair
Joint,Lip,Human body,Sleeve,Makeover
18 Plant-Based Celebs Speaking Up For Animals
May 13, 2021

Whether they're staunch vegans, plant-based eaters, or just dabbling with some meat-and-dairy-free options, these celebs make a positive impact on the lives of countless animals each time they take to social media to speak on the issues.

Jaw,Grass,Wrinkle,Elephants and Mammoths,Snout,Elephant
Jaw,Snout,Domestic pig,Animal shelter,Beak,Cage,farmed animal
We Documented Horrific Mistreatment of Pigs on a “High Welfare” Farm and This is What Happened
May 12, 2021

Nine things that happened since we exposed behind-the-scenes cruelty at P&G Sleigh Pig Farm.

Eight Fascinating Fish Facts That’ll Make You Never Want to Eat Seafood Again
May 5, 2021

Fish may not look or act like other animals, but they're every bit as unique and complex as the cats and dogs we share our homes with.

Fish,Fin,Sockeye salmon,Fish products,Seafood,Catfish,Ray-finned fish
Scottish salmon underwater
Documentaries are changing how we view sea life
April 13, 2021

Since its creation, film has been a powerful tool in fighting for justice—especially in the animal protection movement.

Facial expression,Human,Mammal,Felidae,Liver,Fur clothing,Snapshot
Bird,Chicken,Beak,Chicken coop,Fence
Day of Action: Ask Mars Inc. to Go Cage-Free
April 6, 2021

Mars, Inc., the creators of Snickers and Milky Way and several other human and pet food brands, are refusing to adopt a global cage-free policy. Join the campaign asking Mars to stop sourcing eggs from caged hens worldwide.

Blur background, no focusing -Abstract image for the background. Chicken factory line
Blur background, no focusing -Abstract image for the background. Chicken factory line
Federal Bill Seeks to Stop Increased Slaughter Line Speeds
March 15, 2021

Last year, Animal Equality launched a campaign to slow down slaughterhouse line speeds. Well, we have an update for you: Two bills (S. 713 and H.R. 1815) were just introduced in Congress to address this issue.

Vegan athletes
Sports uniform,Basketball,Jersey,Field house,Sports jersey,Basketball moves,Basketball player
Eat Like A Champion
March 11, 2021

Gone are the days of believing the meat and dairy industries' marketing myths!

Dulce Ramírez, Vice President of Animal Equality for Latin America
Protest against McDonald's
Animal Equality’s Women Directors Making History for Animals
March 8, 2021

In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the countless women working to create a world in which animals are respected and protected.

Joaquin Phoenix with Animal Equality
Joaquin Phoenix with Animal Equality
5 Reasons We Love Joaquin Phoenix
March 1, 2021

Joaquin Phoenix is a compassionate animal advocate who is no stranger to using his platform to raise awareness about animal protection issues. Here are just five of the many reasons we love him.

Sports jersey,Sign language,Event,Logo,Sleeve,Photo caption
Who are David and Joanna Parker?
February 5, 2021

Yumble, a prepared kids meal delivery service founded in 2015 by David and Joanna Parker, has refused to publicly commit to a meaningful chicken welfare policy.