To Friends And Supporters Of Animal Equality

This has been a difficult year for all of us as our country has experienced unprecedented challenges, the tragic loss of life, and unrelenting change to life as we know it because of the global pandemic.
I now write to you with a heavy heart. It has been an incredibly emotional week, and I wanted to take a moment to share with you what I am feeling.
After eight years of building Animal Equality in Europe, I moved to the US in 2014 with Jose Valle from my birthplace of Spain to start Animal Equality here. We co-founded the organization with one vision–a world where all animals are respected and protected. I’m proud to say that we work tirelessly every single day to end cruelty to farmed animals.
I’ve been deeply saddened and angry to witness all the pain and suffering throughout the country. Over the past week, I’ve reflected on the very reason I came to the US to start Animal Equality… the fight against injustice and inequality.
At Animal Equality, we believe that racism, injustice, and violence must end.
The core of our work is based on more compassion and less suffering. We strive for the best version of our humanity.
As we continue our work on behalf of animals, I wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts as well as my immense gratitude for your support.
Thank you.
Sharon Núñez