8 Useful Apps to Help Make “Veganuary” Last Year-Round
With the constant advancement of technology, being vegan is easier and more accessible than ever! Everything you need to know—recipes, vegan-friendly restaurants, cruelty-free cosmetics—is in the palm of your hand…literally! Here are 8 vegan apps for your iPhone or iPad to help you continue saving the lives of animals through plant-based eating. 1. Happy Cow ($3.99, free version also available) This is a must-have for every vegan or vegetarian! Happy Cow is a fantastic app that shows veg-friendly restaurants in your area, It’s perfect if you’re traveling or just want to try a new local eatery. 2. ShopWell (free) If you’re a new vegan or in the process of transitioning, you probably spend a lot of time reading ingredient labels at the grocery store. Good news! With this app, you can easily determine what’s in your food. Just create a “Food Profile” with your dietary restrictions, allergies, and dislike, then scan barcodes on products. It will tell you how well the product meets your needs and even offer alternatives.

3. Vegan Maps (free) Containing over 100,000 restaurants and cafes in 150 countries, this app will help you figure out which vegan or vegetarian establishment to try next. You’ll get notifications about new vegan and raw food places opening up near you. 4. Cruelty-Free (free) This app will let you know which cosmetic, personal care, and household product companies are cruelty-free. 5. Cowculator – Friends, Not Food (free)
By simply entering your “veganniversary” (the day you became vegan) this app calculates how many animal lives, water, grain, forested land, and CO2 equivalent you have saved by going vegan. If you’re not vegan yet but need some inspiration, download the app to learn the difference you can make!

6. Vegan Kickstart (free) The Physicians Committee developed this app to promote a plant-based diet for good health and disease prevention. Explore their recipes and other resources for everything you’ll need to get started on a path to being the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.
7. abillion (free)
The makers of this handy app are on a mission to help a billion people save the planet by making sustainable living easy and fun. With over 2.5 million consumer reviews for more than 500,000 vegan dishes and products, it will help you find pretty much anything you’re looking for.

8. gonutss – Vegan Translator (free) Your new go-to source to find vegan alternatives easily! Just search for non-vegan food, recipes, or ingredients to discover the best cruelty-free options to replace it with. It even has a baking calculator and protein calculator to help you reach your goals. While you’re browsing the internet for these apps, check out Love Veg for more delicious plant-based recipes and tips to leave animal suffering off your plate by eliminating meat, dairy and eggs.