Innocence exploited: trained sheep lure lambs to slaughter
Mike thought he’d seen it all.
As an investigator, he’d walked blood-soaked slaughterhouses, seen animals crammed into metal boxes, and heard faint cries echoing down the slaughter line.
But nothing prepared him for that day.
Newborn lambs huddled together, their tiny bodies trembling.
Glassy eyes darted at every sound—the clang of metal, the screech of machinery, the heavy thud of something hitting the ground.
And then, Mike saw her.
A grown sheep. She didn’t tremble. Her steps were steady, deliberate—almost mechanical.
At the workers’ calls, she moved forward, pausing briefly before stepping through the gate. Behind her, the lambs hesitated—then followed.
This wasn’t just any sheep.
She was a “guide sheep,” trained to earn the lambs’ trust and lead them to the killing floor.
Every day, she walked the same path. Past the machine that stuns. Past the conveyor belt that swallows lifeless bodies. Past the cries.
She kept walking—not out of choice, but because survival demanded it.
One day, her body will fail. And when it does, her final steps will lead her through the same gate she’s led so many others through.
Workers called her a traitor. But this wasn’t betrayal. It was survival—in an industry that twists instinct into a tool of death.
It’s the same industry that stuffs dead calves with straw to trick grieving mothers into producing milk.
The same industry that cuts off piglets’ tails–without pain relief–to prevent stress-induced biting.
The same industry that breeds chickens to grow so fast their bones collapse beneath them.
But you see a different future.

Give the gift of compassion
This season is about giving the gift of compassion—multiplied! For a limited time, a generous supporter will match your donation to Animal Equality, multiplying your impact on ending animal cruelty. Together, we can create a kinder world for animals.
Your gift today could take factory farms to court, stop new facilities before they rise, and pass laws protecting animals for generations.
It could reveal the truth to millions—igniting a movement reshaping the way we live and eat.
Together, we can lift the guide sheep’s burden.
Let 2025 be the year compassion takes the lead.

Lambs’ rich emotional lives allow them to build friendships and recognize facial expressions.
Protect these intuitive animals by choosing plant‑based meat alternatives.