The Inspiring Story of Vita the Dog
Vita is a symbol.
She was saved from certain death in a slaughterhouse in the city of Zhanjiang, where Animal Equality investigators found her in 2013 while investigating the terrible illegal trade of cat and dog meat in China.
Vita was taken to safety in Madrid, far from the horror she had experienced, but she did not travel alone: In fact, as soon as she arrived in Spain, we discovered that she was carrying 9 puppies, which she would give birth to a few days later.

When she was saved, no one knew she was pregnant with nine more lives, which is why her rescue is worth 10 times over!
At the vet during the discovery of Vita’s puppies:

Today, Vita and her puppies are living happily—loved and respected—and are living reminders of all the dogs who continue to die because of the cruel dog meat industry.

With help from the many Chinese activists who supported our work, the story of Vita and footage from our investigation reached millions of people all over the world—including in China—and raised public awareness about the hidden violence inflicted on dogs and cats.

And while Vita was extremely fortunate to be rescued, many dogs and cats will suffer for a brutal industry. In honor of Vita and all those defenseless animals, our campaign will not stop until the cruel trade of cat and dog meat in China becomes a distant memory.

As loyal companions, dogs and cats have been beloved by humans for thousands of years.
Defend these ancient bonds by replacing animal products with plant‑based ones.