The Hidden Cost of Association: Pandora’s TIES TO Ahold Delhaize Animal Cruelty
Ahold Delhaize’s board members are under fire for supporting suppliers that confine animals in cages for their entire lives. Their inaction has sparked a growing movement to hold them—and their affiliated companies, including Pandora—accountable. Notably, Ahold Delhaize and Pandora share a board member, further entangling Pandora in this animal cruelty scandal.
Ahold Delhaize’s board are directly responsible for the company’s continued use of suppliers that confine pregnant pigs in cruel gestation crates and hens in battery cages. Despite widespread condemnation from veterinarians, animal welfare experts, and the public, the board has failed to adopt meaningful reforms, prioritizing profits over animal welfare.
Companies connected to these board members must recognize the reputational risks of being linked to an animal cruelty scandal. By engaging on their social media platforms, we’ll amplify public outrage over Ahold Delhaize’s policies and demand accountability.
Consumers deserve transparency, and companies aligned with Ahold Delhaize’s board must confront the backlash against this extreme cruelty. Together, we’ll send a clear message: it’s time for corporate leaders to eliminate cages for animals from their supply chains.
Comment on Pandora’s latest social media posts
Use one of these comments as inspiration for an original message. Please do not repeat a comment already posted:
I was surprised to see protesters outside of your Times Square location recently… Are you going to address the animal cruelty scandal one of your board members is associated with?
Please remove Jan Zijderveld from your board! His silence about extreme animal abuse allowed by another company he works with is sickening!
Pandora should know about its board member that is bringing negative attention and protests to their stores. I hope you do something to fix this and be on the side of animals!
Pandora and Ahold Delhaize share a board member…and it’s not a good look for Pandora. The grocery giant is facing a massive campaign for purchasing from farms that cage animals for their entire lives. Maybe it’s time that Pandora save face by removing Jan Zijderveld from its board!
Pandora, your stores are being protested because of a shared board member with Ahold Delhaize, a company embroiled in an animal cruelty scandal. I hope you’re taking steps to address this serious issue.
Pandora, are you aware that one of your board members, Jan Zijderveld, is linked to a major animal cruelty scandal? Ahold Delhaize, where he also serves, is under fire for supporting farms that confine animals in tiny cages. This connection is damaging your reputation—time to act!
I’ve always been a fan of Pandora, but seeing your board linked to someone who enables animal cruelty is deeply disappointing. Will you take a stand against this by removing Jan Zijderveld from your board?
Does Pandora support confining animals in cages? Your association with Jan Zijderveld, who sits on Ahold Delhaize’s board, makes it seem like you do. This is your chance to prove otherwise and take a stand for animals!
Pandora’s reputation is at risk because of its connection to Jan Zijderveld, a board member who also represents a company supporting extreme animal cruelty. Is this the kind of leadership Pandora stands for?
Thank you for speaking up for animals! Please continue demanding better for pigs and hens by taking other Ahold Delhaize campaign actions.

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