Ahold Delhaize is Breaking Animal Welfare Promises – It’s Time to Act
Ahold Delhaize, the parent company of major U.S. grocery brands like Hannaford and Stop & Shop, is failing to meet its animal welfare commitments. Despite promises, millions of hens and pregnant pigs remain confined in cages, with crucial deadlines pushed further into the future.
Demand that Ahold Delhaize stop stalling and start delivering on its promises for animals! Message and comment on the LinkedIn posts of Ahold Delhaize’s board members today and hold them accountable for their inaction.
Laura Miller https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-m-miller/
Pauline van der Meer Mohr https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulinevandermeermohr/
Jan Zijderveld https://www.linkedin.com/in/janzijderveld/
Katie Doyle https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiedoyle14/
Helen Weir https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-weir-73387754/
Peter Agnefjäll https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-agnefj%C3%A4ll-7a48b3121/
Julia Vander Ploeg https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliavanderploeg/
Robert Jan van de Kraats https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertjanvandekraats/
Bill McEwan https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-mcewan-b2373573/
Frank Van Zanten https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-van-zanten-45b42bb8/
Use one of these sample messages as inspiration for an original comment. Do not repeat something already posted.
- It is shocking that Ahold Delhaize continues to remain silent while animals endure unimaginable cruelty in its supply chain. The suffering inflicted by confining animals to tiny cages for the majority of their lives is horrific and cannot be ignored any longer. As a board member, you have a direct responsibility to demand immediate action to end this nightmare. Your company is complicit in these atrocities by failing to act, and it’s time for that to change.
- As a member of the board, you have an important role in shaping the direction of Ahold Delhaize. The company’s current animal welfare standards fall short of consumer expectations. I urge you to take a stand for urgent action on animal welfare that reflect both company values and the growing demand for more humane sourcing.
- The cruel treatment of animals in Ahold Delhaize’s supply chain is unconscionable. Keeping animals in cages for their entire lives is bad for business, let alone the animals. As a board member, you have the power to end this abuse. The company’s failure to act is not only unethical—it’s a betrayal of consumer trust. I demand that you take immediate action to protect animals and put an end to these horrific practices.
- As a key decision-maker at Ahold Delhaize, you have the power to help the company lead on animal welfare. It’s critical that the board pushes for more meaningful policies to protect animals, including eliminating cruel practices like keeping animals in cages. I hope you will advocate for change that aligns with your customers.
- The treatment of animals in Ahold Delhaize’s supply chain must be a priority. As a board member, you play a critical role in influencing the company’s policies. I urge you to take action and help push for stronger animal welfare standards that will resonate with today’s conscious consumers.
- The current state of animal welfare within Ahold Delhaize’s supply chain is nothing short of horrific. Animals are subjected to unimaginable suffering, from gestation crates for pigs to battery cages for chickens. Your company has the resources and the responsibility to end this cruelty. If Ahold Delhaize continues to turn a blind eye to these atrocities, it will face growing consumer backlash. Will you be part of the solution, or will you continue to allow these horrors to take place under your watch?
- As a board member of Ahold Delhaize, you have the responsibility to ensure that animal welfare is at the heart of the company’s decisions. Consumers expect transparency and better standards, especially when it comes to how animals are treated in your supply chain. I urge you to advocate for an end to the worst factory farming practices.
- The public’s growing concern over animal welfare demands that Ahold Delhaize act more decisively. As a board member, your influence is vital in steering the company toward more ethical and sustainable practices. I urge you to push for stronger animal protection policies that reflect the values of your customers.
- The suffering of animals in Ahold Delhaize’s supply chain is an ongoing crisis. The extreme confinement of hens and pregnant pigs in your US supply chain cause unimaginable pain to countless animals. As a board member, you have the power to demand change. The time for excuses is over—your company must act now to end this cruelty, or it will face the consequences of its complicity.
- As a member of Ahold Delhaize’s board, you have the ability to drive change in the company’s animal welfare policies. There is a clear need for stronger commitment to cage-free sourcing, particularly regarding practices like gestation crates and battery cages. I encourage you to take action and ensure the company leads on this issue.
- The lack of action on animal welfare at Ahold Delhaize is concerning. As a board member, you can influence the company to adopt stronger sourcing practices. Now is the time to act and ensure that Ahold Delhaize becomes a leader in animal welfare within the retail industry.
- The horrifying conditions in which animals are raised for Ahold Delhaize’s products cannot be ignored any longer. From the extreme confinement of gestation crates to the horrific treatment of hens confined to battery cages, your company’s failure to act is enabling widespread cruelty. As a board member, you have a moral obligation to stop this. Consumers are watching—and they will not support a company that continues to profit from such suffering. It’s time for Ahold Delhaize to take a stand for animals and put an end to this barbaric treatment.
- As a member of the board, you are uniquely positioned to push Ahold Delhaize to take real action on animal welfare. The company’s current stance is not enough, and consumers are demanding better. I urge you to advocate for stronger protections for animals in your supply chain, starting with eliminating inhumane practices like gestation crates.
- Consumers are increasingly aware of how animals are treated in food production. As a board member of Ahold Delhaize, you have a responsibility to ensure that the company implements stronger, more transparent animal welfare policies. I urge you to take action to ensure Ahold Delhaize leads on this critical issue.
- As a board member, your influence can help Ahold Delhaize implement policies that prioritize animal welfare. There is an urgent need for stronger protections for animals in your supply chain. I hope you will push for changes that improve the treatment of animals and meet the expectations of today’s consumers.
Thank you for speaking up for animals! Please continue demanding better for pigs and hens by taking other Ahold Delhaize campaign actions.

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One of the most effective ways to take a stand against animal cruelty is to choose plant-based. Love Veg is making it easy to ditch meat, dairy, and eggs and fall in love with eating compassionately.

Images represent factory farms that use cages. They do not necessarily supply to Ahold Delhaize.