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Ducks in a factory farm


Foie gras, often deemed the world’s most controversial food, is produced by force‑feeding ducks and geese until their livers become diseased. 

Animal cruelty has no place in a city of higher learning, growth, and innovation. That’s why all Ann Arbor residents are invited to sign our petition urging the City Council to ban foie gras sales. 

Maggie Marshall, Legal Advocacy Counsel of Animal Equality

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Your next step in activism starts with joining our team of Animal Protectors.

As a volunteer for Animal Equality, participation is always optional and on your own time, but consistently effective!

Then, consider your eating choices as the most effective way to help animals.

Join our Love Veg community to learn how to reduce or eliminate your consumption of meat, dairy, and eggs and save lives at every meal.

Have questions about the campaign or how to get involved? Feel free to reach out to our Legal Advocacy Counsel, Maggie Marshall at [email protected]

or Register to Volunteer

Take a stand for animals at every meal and reduce their suffering by choosing plant‑based foods.

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